“_ake room,” says m_ heart.
I know it aches, suffocating
behind barriers of con_rete and stone.
It barely beats.
Chopped up and spat out by life’s cruel jest,
it’s no longer _ealthy,
it _s no longer whole.
My heart knows it will take time
for me to unscramble what fate took
out of my life.
It just needs to keep beating until then,
so that I can fina_ly
make my peace an_
mourn your loss:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
—Melanie Rees is an Australian writer. She has published over 60 short stories and poems. Her poetry has appeared in markets such as Apex, Space and Time, and Spirit’s Tincture. More information on her work can be found at Flexi’s Fables or on Twitter @FlexiRees.