Crab rangoons and tonic water
Our mom told us, ‘spread good news.’
I look like the perfect daughter

Yes, I look just cannon fodder
All beheadings come in twos.
Crab rangoons and tonic water

Louisiana just gets hotter
Hell is the color of an aging bruise.
I look like the perfect daughter.

I read online a man has got her
He plunged her in the summer ooze.
Crab rangoons and tonic water

I know how hard the Lord has fought her
But pretty people never lose.
I look like the perfect daughter.

Sometimes winning reeks of slaughter
The spectrum of sin holds a million hues.
Crab rangoons and tonic water
I look like the perfect daughter.

Zetetic separator

—Diana Valenzuela cares about vacation and English Literature. Her work has been published in the New Orleans Review and The Millions. She is a student at Loyola University New Orleans.

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